Crank it up

It wasn\’t that long ago, when we used to buy a new album, crank it up, playing it over-and-over as if we have nothing else in our music collection. With each loop, we internalize the rhythms, memorizing the lyrics, and yes, sing along – experiencing the music deeper.

I wanted to share, this small piece has been doing the same thing for me, Involuntary Orbit keeps asking to be reconsidered, to be played over-and-over.   Involuntary what?  Who\’s orbit?  How does this play out?

Art is best as a catalyst to remembering something we already know.  This is the very reason we used to play albums over-and-over.

color photogram titled: Involuntary Orbit
close up detail of color photogram titled: Involuntary-Orbit, experimental photography by Richard Slechta
side view of color photogram titled: Involuntary Orbit

Size:  14 x 14 inches
Medium:  Light on photo paper
No Editions, Unique
© 2018