Everyone carries an unknown history

For many years, my artwork series teeter back-and-forth between high-key, white and airy collections and low-key, dark,  inky and heavy collections, like this piece Variable Reentry.  They each serve their own purpose, to uplift and investigate something deeper.  One thing I\’ve come to see in my work, is that dark doesn\’t necessarily mean dark in theme,  nor does lightness imply an uplifting theme.  It more nuanced than that.

Variable Reentry, 48 x 48 inches, Light on photo paper © 2018
Variable Reentry, 48 x 48 inches, Light on photo paper © 2018

It\’s hard for me to know what people think about when they see a piece like this one.  \”Everyone carries an unknown history\”, it defines our context and our experiences, Michelle Obama\’s shares in Becoming.  Our own context defines how we see everything.

I know, I see a meaning in this artwork a very specific way.  Each one of those dislodged geometric pieces makes me wonder about if it was critical or trivial to the mass it once belonged too.  The thing that made it whole.   It\’s my of reminder that letting go is needed regularly.

close-up detail of color photogram titled: Variable Reentry from the series Precariously Bright
side view of framed color photogram titled: Variable Reentry from the series Precariously Bright

Size:  48 x 48 inches
Medium:  Light on photo paper
No Editions, Unique
© 2018