Poetry in the pendulum of extreme

I was recently talking with collectors about some of the symbolism found in my art, like the waveform.  An excellent example is ‘Optimal Inflection‘, inspired after I first saw an active seismograph with swinging arms jolting back-and-forth as the ground shook beneath us.  What was remaining was mesmerizing, a written history without bias, a recording from a needle responding to extreme tremors from the earths core. 
I saw the poetry in this pendulum of extremes, sometimes there are lines that are barely noticeable, other times – seemingly cataclysmic in size.  With this, I like to think about from where are these waveforms originating from.  Be sure to check out the series Transient State Policy which has a variety of perceived extremes.
Optimal Inflection, 48 x 48 inches, Light on photo paper © 2013
Optimal Inflection, 48 x 48 inches, Light on photo paper © 2013
close up detail of color photogram titled; Optimal Inflection