How and why I make my light activated art are so intertwined it can be a challenge to break them apart. How open minded are you to let me share why scale matters? Ignite the experience! The scale of the art is not what is most important to me, but the size of the impression […]
Tensile Transfer is a steady and quiet artwork, yet it reminds me of the temporary nature of an imposed order. One of the things I try to do with my pieces is to instill a sense of kinetic and potential movement that piques our imagination to complete. Within a field of white there are four […]
I’m not sure if you have a similar experience, but there are a handful artworks that I regularly think about to help bring clarity to difficult moments. Since the rapid spread of the COVID-19 virus and it’s all consuming anxiety, there has been one piece of artwork that has been asking me to come closer and […]
Here’s the 2nd piece from my Spring 2020 series, Incompressible Flow. The central idea for this series is resiliency. Thinking about the flow of movement, it can be diverted, but not compressed or compromised in nature. The title for this piece is Squeezability Cipher. Like squeezing a water balloon, the contents appropriately only flow around. […]
Introducing Spring 2020 Series.The studio has been an absolute creative powerhouse the last 3 months - and still going. It feels amazing to be exploring, experimenting and seeing how the series is coming together as a larger body of work. These light based artworks fill the gap between painting and emulsion based photography. The central theme […]
It was a pleasure for all that came out to the Ligne Roset design party on Thursday night where I had 10 artworks on view. So far, the first week has been an amazing success with sales and new partnerships in the works. If you missed the party and are in LA or OC area, […]
February 12 – April 24, 2020 Selections from the Inherent Trajectories and Junctions series are on view at Ligne Roset, the high-end French modern furniture design center. Ligne Roset & Poliform, Kaz Design Group, 3323 Hyland Ave. Costa Mesa, CAP: 657-900-2225 Art: Departures From LinearityDesign: PUMPKIN by Pierre Paulin Art: Ecotone UnificationDesign: TOGO by […]
During a fruitful meeting with a collector last week, I was asked, "how long does it take to make one of your artworks?”. I had a fresh perspective to share. The last 2 month in the studio been kind of like hitting my head against a brick wall, then getting all excited afterwards to try it […]
This is Precariously Bright. It has intense, vibrating, white hot energy as if it is falling into a tipping point. A place of uncertainty. There’s this sense of a shooting star that you know only happens for a brief moment and it’s gone. And, that’s this moment this work is about. The way I work […]
Let me introduce, Crimson Belligerence, a piece distinguished by vibrant ultramarine and crimson meteorological like clusters, vibrating and dissembling with atmospheric intensity. This piece reminds me to evaluate the speed in which perceived change occurs (as in worse case scenario need not be the default). The geometric shards have a feather-lightness to their mass, as if […]
I’ve been working with abstraction for quite some time now, and it’s a very powerful thing. It’s a language that allows us to communicate together without being restricted by the noun, by who I am and who are you. It allows us to just get all that out of the way and have a dialog […]
Let me introduce, Labyrinth of Memories, a photogram that is unlike many of my works, its not full of releasing, kinetic movement. It has colored layers that collectively appear wedged into immovable confinement. If I was to use one word to describe this piece it would be, 'snug'. The title for this piece also plays with […]
It would be a waste if artwork titles were merely a descriptive 'what is it'. Nightingale Spectator is no different. The titles I assign for each photogram is an opportunity to get nudged toward a perspective of viewing new and fresh way. Linguistically, there is a rhythm in the titles, usually only 2 words using […]
"The artist role is not to generate meaning, but to cultivate the meanings that are already there." Author, Cal Newport shares this idea in the book Deep Work, while making a compelling argument for relevance of focused concentration over scattered multi-tasking. What I found interesting as it relates to art, Cal Newport makes the connection […]
In light activated artwork Lyrical Dissonance, there is a kind of pulsing tension between the two contrasting color bars that are surrounded by hazy atmospherics. With this piece, I was looking to create movements that set-off a series of chain of reactions. There is a staging of two opposing forms, in blue and yellow. This […]
I create to engage, jostle and spar as if it’s an art is an ethical act. I seek out the collapse of structural systems. The NEW emerges from the fragments of our past thought. This is reflected in the series, Precariously Bright, distinguished by auras of colorful meteorological like clusters, vibrating and disassembling with […]
When my art is brought into peoples homes, it can be transformative. It\'s the art that acts as a kind of oxygen in the room, a breath of fresh air to open the consciousness and clear the mind. This is my function as an artist, to work with questions that don’t have straightforward answers. This […]
It’s hard to imagine, but it wasn’t that long ago that the common perception in the art world was ‘photography was not art’. Even in the 1990’s within the safe confines of a New York City art school, it was hotly debated. The NYC gallery scene all but confirmed it was gospel as well. “Photography” […]
One of my sources of inspiration as an artist using experimental photography, is light itself. Light has been the defining element in my life, in part for much the same reasons as philosophers and scientists have been drawn to it over the millennia. Light is like no other substantive experience. It is instantaneous, yet […]
It wasn\'t that long ago, when we used to buy a new album, crank it up, playing it over-and-over as if we have nothing else in our music collection. With each loop, we internalize the rhythms, memorizing the lyrics, and yes, sing along - experiencing the music deeper. I wanted to share, this small piece […]